Dott.ssa Priscilla Berardi medico, psicoterapeuta, sessuologa  Cell.+39 349 5455417


About me | Priscilla Berardi MD, psychotherapist


Medical Doctor (enrolled in the Professional Register of Bologna), Psychotherapist with a Systemic-Relational approach, I work in private practices in Bologna and Rimini.
As a psychotherapist, my activity is addressed towards couples, families and individuals and it focuses on consultation, support and therapy.

As a trainer, I teach courses and conferences on sexuality, sexual identity, self-image, disability and limit management in various Italian cities. The target of my courses are families and all the professionals who work in the field of education, psychology and sexology.
Also linked to the area of sexuality, are the psychosocial research projects run with colleagues from diverse disciplines, examining e.g. disadvantages and resources in life of homosexual people who have a disability; the relationship between sexual orientation and mobbing, or between homosexuality and HIV-positive status. You can download the final reports of these investigations from my publications section on this website.

From 2010 to 2013 I joined the production of "Sesso, Amore & Disabilità" (Sex, Love & Disability), a documentary-film about sexuality, affectivity, and disability, as co-author and scientific supervisor (Italian audio; English, Spanish and French subtitles).

In order to acquire a more effective and grounded knowledge in Sexuality Studies, I have enriched my competences in Sexology specialising at the Italian Centre of Sexology in Bologna and at “Panta Rei” Centre of Milan. In April-May 2018, I attended a two-month supplementary detailed class about support to transition in gender dysphoria at the Italian Centre of Sexology in Bologna.

Since May 2018, I've been enhancing my techniques' range with EMDR Therapy training courses and in October 2022 I became EMDR Therapy Practitioner.

Relationship Addiction, also called Love Addiction, is another subject of profound interest to me. I work with love addicted patients in individual therapies and in mutual support groups.

From 2009, I have occasionally carried out evaluations regarding separation, custody, fostering and psychological damage, as an expert consultant for clients during Court-appointed expertise.

I am author of articles for Psicosessualità.it - Agi e Disagi della Sfera sessuale website and also for the magazine Fibromialgia. La rivista italiana, with the goal of spreading psychological and scientific information, awareness and knowledge about sexuality and relationships.

Psychological consultations are available in English and Spanish.
Online consultations are also available for Italian expats living abroad.


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Psychotherapy is a therapy that takes advantage mainly of dialogue and relationships and it's directed towards those people who are going through a particularly critical moment in their life and are struggling to find a solution. Psychotherapy also aims to help those people who repeatedly undergo situations of emotional and psychophysical distress.

This discomfort can be revealed by insecurity and a lack of self-esteem, by feeling as if there's no way out, from turning around a problem endlessly, or being unable to overcome a loss or grief, and perceiving the impossibility of communicating with other people. Discomfort can also show up as anger, anxiety, sadness, panic attacks, sexual problems, relational difficulties, and other psychological symptoms.

Psychotherapy's purpose is to support people in their suffering and with the complexity of their pain and also to help them discover andstrengthen their skills.

It also allows people to reach a higher awareness of themselves and to gain new tools to deal with problems and changes, and to feel more effective and at ease in one's life different spheres (relationships, work, family).

A Psychotherapist is a medical doctor or a psychologist who completed specialised post-graduate education in psychotherapy techniques at a four-year specialist School approved by MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research). Psychotherapists areenrolled in the Psychotherapists' list of their corresponding Professional Register.


There are many Psychotherapy models in use today. They differ according to the type of techniques, and depending on the basis of the theoretical approach.
Systemic-Relational Approach, in particular,considers individuals as belonging to more than one System, alternately represented by the couple, the nuclear and enlarged family, their work environment, their friendship context, and by society.

Within these Systems, people are related to each other by virtue of their interactions, emotional bonds and interdependence. These connections are important reference points for understanding their inner world and the world surrounding each individual.

The symptom,in this perspective, acquires a significance that has to be read as the expression of a subjective, interpersonal and cognitive experience of that person.

After two preliminary one-to-one meetings, lasting between 7-10 days, to frame the chief problems and patient's expectations, a final evaluation defines which is the most appropriate kind of psychotherapy treatment to be taken up in that situation, the frequency of thesessionsand, if possible, an approximate duration for the therapy.

A psychotherapy treatment can be:
  • Individual – sessions about 60-minute-long, once weekly or fortnightly. Individual psychotherapy is suggested to people living through remarkable personal difficulties in their working environment, in their relational or familiar contexts, or in relating to themselves.

  • Family Therapy – sessions about 90-minute-long, monthly. This format is recommended when a problem involves the whole family, or when a family member's discomfort has serious consequences on the others, or the problem affects a child or an adolescent.

  • Couple Therapy – sessions about 90-minute-long, once every 3-4 weeks. Couple psychotherapy aims at setting up a new balance in those couples who are taking on sexual or relational problems, including conflicting relationships, complicated separations,unfaithfulness, illness or psychological distress of a member of the couple, parenthood difficulties and, on the whole, all the situations that entail high levels of tension and pressure for a couple.

Psychological consultations and psychotherapy sessions are available in English and Spanish.
Online psychotherapy is available for Italian expats living abroad.


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Sexology is a recent science, its history is just over a century old but it is substantial and significant for the evolution of human knowledges. This discipline concerns social, psychological, cultural, anthropological, emotional, relational, physiological and medical aspects of sexuality.

When we talk about Sexuality we refer to non verbal communication between individuals, to the exchange and the emotional play that uses the body as a language and, at the same time, to the subjective dimension of being sexuate, to pleasure and self-care, to the contribution that sensory perceptions give to cognitive growth.

Thanks to awareness acquired in behavioural, medical, social and psychological fields, Sexologists now deal with many questions about human sexuality and can often help those who have problems in this sphere, through dialogue, listening and techniques of psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural, systemic-relational and socio-constructive repertoire. Sexological therapy sees beyond the sexual symptom and inside the sexual symptom, exploring the symptom’s history, its verbal and non-verbal expression, its mode of expression and area where it manifests. Sexologists recover the symptom’s meaning and permit the acquisition of new emotional and body language, offering alternative and more satisfying ways of ‘being together’ and looking to one selves.